Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly 定期检查汽油,并对车辆进行定期维护。
Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals 一定要定期备份文件。
The trees which gave the road its name stood at regular intervals along the kerb 这条道路得名于这些树木,它们沿两边的路缘间隔均匀地排列着。
The cartridge must be replaced at regular intervals. 弹药必须定时更换。
George struggled wildly, going under and resurfacing at regular intervals. 乔治疯狂地挣扎,不断在水面上浮浮沉沉。
The doctor visits his patients at their homes at regular intervals. 那医生定期到病人家出诊。
Schedule the application of DB2 fixpacks at regular intervals, even if there are no errors in the system. 制定一个定期更新DB2修订包应用程序的计划,即使系统中没有错误也是如此。
LTPA encryption keys are automatically changed at regular intervals. LTPA加密密钥会定期自动进行更改。
This example shows you how to take a fixed number of snapshots of some system condition at regular intervals. 这个例子展示了如何以固定时间间隔获取一定数量的系统条件快照。
One option is to poll the queue at regular intervals. 一种做法是定期轮询队列。
If issued at regular intervals during a normal production or test cycle, you can capture and track the number of messages that have been processed during that interval and the queue high depth. 如果在正常的生产或测试周期中按一定的间隔发出此命令,则可以捕获和跟踪在此期间已处理的消息数量和队列最高深度。
We recommend to introduce such views for your business process instances and to monitor them at regular intervals. 我们建议为您的业务过程实例定义这种视图并定期监视它们。
This was actually a kind of cross-country race that was held at regular intervals. 这实际上是定期举行的全国范围的竞赛。
Rig tong line pulley and counterbalances must be inspected at regular intervals. 必须定期检查大钳吊绳的滑轮和平衡铊。
The washing is carried out during operation at regular intervals by means of fresh water injection. 清洗过程是在机器运行的时候通过定期注入淡水的方式进行的。
Manufacturing, quality and engineering meetings are convened at regular intervals. 公司内部定期召开制造营运、质量和工程技术等例会。
Reliability of Certificates of Analysis should be checked at regular intervals. 分析报告的可信任度应定期核查。
And meetings should be arranged at regular intervals for face-to-face communication and share of ideas to encourage staff interaction. 应该定期安排会议为了面对面得交流和分享想法来鼓励员工的互动。
Some equipment will be scheduled at regular intervals for overhaul. 安排部分设备进行定期全面检修。
He visits me at regular intervals. 他总是间隔一定时间访问我一次。
Subject any extinguishing equipment installed to a functional test at regular intervals. 定期对所安装的任何灭火设备进行功能测试。
New contents should be added to a good dictionary at regular intervals. 一本好字典应定期的增补新的内容。
Choose this option to refresh the page at regular intervals when the report is run. 如果选择此选项,则在运行报表时定期刷新页面。
At regular intervals, Lessor carries out the vehicle inspections and maintenance and repairs. 乙方定期对租赁车辆进行检查、维修和保养。
Limit checks, done at regular intervals, are now controlled by the store process instead of jet. 定期执行的限制检查现在由存储过程(而不是jet)进行控制。
Having a series of columns arranged at regular intervals. 拥有一连串的每隔一定间隔的圆柱。
In addition, you will be informed of the latest academic information from us at regular intervals. 我们还将定期发给您国际及中国组织工程研究的最新学术信息。
At regular intervals, the corporation deposits cash into this sinking fund. 公司定期把现金存入偿债基金。
Operating issues have struck Asian polymer markets at regular intervals over the last year helping producers stabilise prices. 去年生产问题定期就会对亚洲聚合物市场造成冲击,这帮助生产者稳定了物价。
We would ask you to provide us with market information at regular intervals. 我们需要贵方定期地提供市场信息。